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A Golf World Ranking - for everyone.

You just had your best round ever with your mate at your local course, so good that you could be the best golfer in the world in your handicap division for this month (and maybe your are) but... you will never know. Why? Because there is no way of measuring that round against all the other golfers out there in your division.

Until now.

You can now measure how every round of golf you have ranks against every other round of golf in the world. Ambitious? Hell yeah.

We are currently beta testing and initially we are limiting entry to 20 players per handicap division to measure demand and also to work out the best system of dealing with the scores, the data etc. If we got 100,000 entries for September, that would be awesome... but it would also sink our small team before we even got started so for the first month, we are keeping the numbers down (way down!) which is super cool for early adopters as you could be no.1 in the world for the month even without playing your best. May as well grab the title early! Also, we are doing a lucky draw at the end of the month and the winner gets a sleeve of Titleist Pro V golf balls. That is a 1/80 chance. Hey, show me better odds than that in the online world.

So, there it is. New idea, lots to work on together so keen to hear your thoughts. Positive and negative but lets try and be constructive and build something cool. Add your thoughts and comments below and please follow us on twitter and Facebook (links below). Also feel free to tweet this (link above :)

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